Anyway, so she had finally fallen asleep at one point in the night, as did I but then I woke up when the hub was off to work. Knowing enough of myself to make the right decisions, I decided to not go back to sleep because the girls will both wake up soon and then I'll be too tired and moody. Small kids don't need to see that.
So, here I am now trying to find something to talk about that may give some of you out there something to
Um...okay. Here goes.
Who out there is doublejointed?? *raises hand* Oh! oh! I am! Me!
In my elbows so I can turn my arm around 360 degrees. It's awesome. Gross to some. Which I can understand. But...awesome. I'll have to take a pic and post it somewhere up in here. Later.
Tell me what you can do! And SHOW me, if at all possible. I love people who can bend and twist in creepy ways. It's entertaining.
Okay, so I'm just wasting time here now. I think I'll go snatch a coffee and sit for some M*A*S*H 'til the girls awake. And I'll have more profound things to say at a later time, I can assure you.
-Your loving blogger,
gimme a topic and i shant disappoint.
*heehee, "shant"
dar, i totally took your word.*
I demand that you return my word immediately.