Okay sorry. I'm a bit overwhelmed. I just finished editing this scene and I got all worked up. It's the scene where Caelum/Chloe first sees how to use the memory orb to gain her memories from Zirconya. She panics and blacks out. But I love the relationship between her and Maze, the zirconyan guy who's helping/protecting her.
He's such a prick but I know how he's going to be later on so I love it! I feel so bad for my characters though.
I do torture them so!
Poor little sausages. In the end though, they'll be happy.
You know, I'll just post the scene...at least a part of it cuz it's really long. Hold up
“And Aglahr, you said he taught me things. What did he teach?”
“Everything; math, science, white magic, history. He even taught you to use weapons and I must say, he taught you well. I had watched memories with him after you disappeared.”
“Weapons?” Caelum was excited by the notion. “What weapons?”
“A little bit of everything, but each student focused on one main choice. You have always been remarkable with the bow and arrow. From what I have heard, you have never missed a target. Melanya was very well trained with the sword and Aquin with daggers.”
Caelum never thought of trying archery but she liked the idea now.
“Anyway,” Maze went on, realizing their drift from the subject, “this necklace was made especially for you and your memories. When we find Melanya, she too will have her own memory orb.”
Caelum gazed at the orb as she spoke. “And Aquin as well?”
“No, not Aquin. He is not like you girls; he is an ordinary boy now. Focus on the subject at hand. If you learn to use this orb for yourself, you can watch all the events of your previous life before your very own eyes.”
“What, like a TV?”
Maze frowned. “A what?”
“A television?”
“I’m sorry Caelum but I don’t know what a ‘television’ is.”
Caelum stood up and walked to the large cabinet in front of the bed where she opened the doors and turned on the television that sat behind them. Maze stared at the TV with wide eyes, amazed at what he was seeing.
“It is like the mirrors,” he murmured.
Caelum didn’t know what he was talking about, so she just showed him how to change the channels.
“You see, every channel is different. You can watch the news to see what’s going on in the world or a movie on HBO or anything,” she explained.
“I do not know the meaning of any of those words, but I am fascinated,” he replied. With a shake of his head, he dropped the remote and turned to Caelum. “We are off track again. I must explain these things to you.” He then turned and grabbed the necklace out of the air and placed it in her hand. “Here, you try. Just throw it in the air as I did.”
Caelum looked at the necklace then closed her hand around it and threw it up. It froze, the same way it did when Maze threw it.
She turned to Maze with a giggle. “What now?”
“Give it a moment; just watch.”
She looked to the necklace in wonder gazing at it intently as it remained unmoving in the air. She tilted her head then in an instant, a light shone from the necklace. Caelum jumped back with a cry, bumping into Maze‘s chest.
Holding her tightly in her place, he bent over her shoulder and pointed to the light. “Watch,” he whispered in her ear.
Caelum gazed into the light when pictures began to move like a movie in fast forward. The images were as clear as a television screen.
Caelum licked her lips and swallowed a knot in her throat. “What are they?”
Maze’s hands were on her shoulders as he spoke into her ear. “Memories, Caelum; of your life in Zirconya.”
The images were quickly changing. Each image consisted of a small pale blonde girl with blue eyes; a girl that Caelum knew was her.
“I don’t remember any of this, Maze.”
“It is all right. You will. Let us go to the day you left Zirconya.”
“How do we change it?”
“Just think and it will be.”
Caelum tried to remember her dreams from the previous nights. She tried to remember the room she was in with the six other people. As she remembered, the images changed and her dream began to play before her eyes; everything was according to what she had dreamt.
As she stared, Maze explained who everyone was and what was happening. He showed her the sinstarians and the man who attacked her, learning that he was the great enemy Sireg‘wethyl. She saw Melanya and how Aquin tried to save them.
As she focused on the images before her, they began to form in her mind more clearly.
“Oh my God,” she whispered as her mind recognized them as memories. “I remember this.”
Not only did she remember the events taking place from the orb, but she also remembered the people. She remembered her relationship with each person there, yet she couldn’t seem to remember anything that took place before or after those events. The images “rewound” to when she and Melanya had been pulled into the portal where she watched closely and saw the memory orb come off her neck. Her eye then caught something; another chain was held in her left hand. With a pounding heart, Caelum’s hand found its way to her neck and onto the other necklace; the blue stone.
“My God,” she gasped.
Maze watched her hand, curiously. “What is it?”
“This necklace,” she replied, her gaze remaining on the images. She pointed to Aquin. “That boy gave me this necklace, moments before I was even up on the altar.”
Maze looked at the necklace, then at Aquin in the image. “So that is why you remember him so much more than anyone else. You took something of his with you into the third dimension.” He smiled with a snicker. “I understand now.”
As Caelum watched the pictures move and change, her eyes began to well up. She began to experience many different emotions all at the same time and her heart began to beat faster and faster with each gained memory.
A realization suddenly hit her. Everything that was happening now should be impossible. Another world, magic, a ball holding memories? It was all amazing; too good to be true.
Maze took notice of a change in her eyes and aura and immediately knew something was wrong.
“Caelum, are you all right?”
“This isn’t right,” she blubbered. “This can’t be true. None of this is possible. I must be dreaming. Or, or maybe I’m hypnotized. Yes, that’s it. You hypnotized me. I have to go. I can’t be here. This isn’t right.”
Maze wrinkled his brow in confusion and disappointment. “What do you mean? You remember. I know you remember. No one is hypnotizing you.”
Caelum’s mind began to race as she pushed Maze away and she dashed toward to door.
“Caelum, no!” He called after her.
She ran outside and into the parking lot. Confused, she couldn’t seem to figure out where she was or which direction to run in. A faintness swelled within her beginning at her knees then spread to her head. Everything was framed in blackness that slowly faded to the center when finally all had gone dark.
Okay, there you go. I hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment if you like. Anyway, I hear the girls waking up so I am returning to real life!
Until next time,
your loving blogger,
The Multifaceted World of Empathy
3 years ago
Wow! I have to admit I am not usually into these types of stories but you are very talented and have an awesome way with words. I love the way you are able to put your imagination on paper and make it come alive. May God continue to bless you, your writing, and your "real life" (family).
ReplyDeleteThank you, Flory! I have a lot more work and revision before it looks professional but I love doing it so it doesn't seem like work. :) God bless you guys as well!