Monday, August 24, 2009

"On Monday mornings I am dedicated to the proposition that all men are created jerks"

That's right everyone, it's Monday! The day that brings moans and groans; the day that is most detested and ostracized, yet, one of my personal favorites! Why, you ask? Because I go crazy seeing the weekend mess pile up and up! I can't stand when there are clothes EVERYWHERE and cereal with every step taken, molding itself to the soles of your feet! IT'S GROSS!
And so, today, once my coffee makes it intravenously through my system, I shall put my thin but knowing hands to work throughout the house! No dust bunny shall make it out alive, I tell you!
When my work is done, I will return and tell you the tales. And I'm sure I'll come with something that may actually interest you in that time.

Hark! The cry of the washing machine! I must heed its call and put my mind to the filthy things that linger in a plastic basket upstairs. It will be a difficult task to conclude before the midgets' nap but what is this life without a smidgen of intricacy? Fare thee well.

Your loving blogger,

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